Certifying / Licensed Avionics Engineer

Certifying / Licensed Avionics Engineer

Required Qualifications

  • Diploma or Degree in Aeronautical Engineering (Avionics Option) from a recognized institution.

  • Holder of KCAA AMEL in Avionics (i.e. Cat. ‘X’ -Electrical & Cat. ‘X’-Instruments/ Cat. ‘X’-Autopilots/ Cat. ‘R’-Radio) with type Ratings/Approvals on C208 series, DHC-6-300 series, DHC-8-100, DHC-7-100 ( At least a minimum of two types). TCAA & UCAA licenses will be an added advantage

  • Have a minimum of 5yrs in aircraft maintenance certifications.

  • Good knowledge of Kenya Civil Aviation Regulations (KCARs) and relevant ICAO Annexes, and Standard and Recommended Practices (SARPS)

  • Ability to set and achieve high standards of performance for self and section and commitment to achieve planned goals

  • Good interpersonal and communication skills, be technically, competent and a person of integrity, be impartial in carrying out tasks, be tactful, and possess the ability to get along with other people.

  • Computer Literate.

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